HTTP Status Codes Site

Published at Feb. 1, 2012 | Tagged with: , , , , , ,

During the development of Simple Site Checker I realised that it would be useful for test purposes if there is a website returning all possible HTTP status codes. Thanks to Google App Engine and webapp2 framework building such website was a piece of cake.

The site can be found at

The home page provides a list of all HTTP status codes and their names and if you want to get an HTTP response with a specific status code just add the code after the slash, example: - returns 200 OK - returns 500 Internal Server Error
Also at the end of each page is located the URL of the HTTP protocol Status Codes Definitions with detailed explanation for each one of them.

The website code is publicly available in github at HTTP Status Codes Site.

If you find it useful feel free to comment and/or share it.